《原神》剧情PV – 创龙点睛


English (US) 中文(简体),自制 中文(简体),原作
The dragon accompanied the Lord of Geo 由是此龙得以陪随帝君 此后那龙便常伴岩王爷左右
Fighting campaigns alongside him in the four corners of the world 四处征战 助良祓恶 随侍征战南北
We have a saying to eulogize these events: 有诗为证,曰: 有赞此事一词,正乃
The crash of a spear brought billowing dust, 金戈透地背,利矛断岩髓 金石迸碎荡尘埃
the mountains and waters made way at the sound 五岳应声柝,三江随势追 磐山纡水尽为开
The sight of a dragon bestowed with a touch 一指珠眦开,数刀身形委 创龙点睛得助力
the promise of rainwater blessing the ground 岩契既得立,久旱复雨水 盘桓遂引雨露来

